Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Exeter Group Real Estate Talk Radio Show for November 26, 2007

The Exeter Group Real Estate Talk Radio Show is live each and every Monday from 12:00 noon PST to 1:00 PM PST. The show explores and debates real estate-related subjects and issues in a way that both entertains and informs its listening audience.

"Looking for answers in real estate? We break it down for you."

Oil and Gas Investments

This week Certified Estate Advisor Rusty Tweed who is President, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Tweed Financial Services, Inc. once again joins The Exeter Group Real Estate Talk Radio Show. The discussion will focus on real estate oil and gas interests, including drilling, existing and wildcat operations, as well as producing, royalty and working oil and gas interests.

Rusty will be joined by Chad Willis who is the Founder, President and Director of Texas Energy Holdings, Inc. and an expert in the structuring of oil and gas investment transactions.

Year End Planning with 1031 Exchanges

In addition to oil and gas investments, Mr. Exeter and Mr. Lee will discuss the various year-end planning opportunities available with 1031 exchanges.

Listen to The Exeter Group Real Estate Talk Radio Show Live

Visit our web page for information on how to tune in for this week's show.

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