Confused About 1031 Exchanges?
You are not alone! How many times have you asked a 1031 Exchange related question and received different answers? For example, you are told that you have to hold the property for at least 12 months in order to qualify for tax-deferred exchange treatment, but then someone else says no you must hold the property for at least one year and one day to be in compliance, and then yet another person says no you must actually hold the property for at least 24 months in order to be safe should you be audited.Who is right? Who is wrong? Why are there so many confusing and differing answers?
Unraveling The Mystery of 1031 Exchanges

Unraveling The Mystery
of 1031 Exchanges
Unraveling the Mystery of 1031 Exchanges is a FREE basic to intermediate level discussion on 1031 Exchanges that will help participants unravel the mystery of doing 1031 Exchanges. What is a 1031 Exchange? What are the advantages? How do you structure one? 
of 1031 Exchanges
The discussion will include the requirements, structures, processes, strategies, and compliance issues necessary to successfully complete a 1031 Exchange, including the answer to the question "How long must you hold title to your investment property in order to qualify for a 1031 Exchange?"
Not Just Any Webinar
This is not just any webinar; it's an online educational workshop where you can roll up your sleeves, get ready to work and learn, and ask as many questions as you like.

William L. Exeter
About Bill Exeter
This webinar will be presented by industry veteran Bill Exeter, President and Chief Executive Officer, Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, LLC. Mr. Exeter has has been in the 1031 Exchange Qualified Intermediary industry for over 35 years and has administered in excess of 125,000 1031 Exchange transactions during his career. You can submit your questions to him in advance or you can ask questions throughout the live webinar. You can also learn about other upcoming workshops, seminars and webinars.
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