Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Reality of the California Real Estate Market: Siftings From the Tea Leaves of a Demographic Guru Webinar

Go To Webinar Registrations Are Required
Click here to register for this webinar on the California real estate market.

Confused About What To Do Next in Real Estate?
The "Great Recession" has left many of us scratching our heads and wondering what's next? Where do we go from here? How should we reposition our real estate portfolio going forward now that we are emerging from recession? Should I hang tight, or make an investment move now?

We realize these are confusing times, which is why Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, LLC is hosting this webinar for you. Our goal is to provide you with up-to-date real estate market data and information so that you can make better informed investment decisions.

"The Nation of California: An Almost Flat Line in 2009"
This exciting webinar will provide an update on the California real estate market and an overview of certain demographic trends that will affect investment property in the California real estate market. It will help you answer the above questions, and help you decide how to position your own investment portfolio as we move forward beyond the recession.

Hosted by:
William L. Exeter
President and Chief Executive Officer
Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, LLC

Presented by:
Alan N. Nevin
Director of Economic Research
MarketPointe Realty Advisors

Date and Time
December 1, 2009
8:55 AM PDT Login
9:00 AM — 10:00 AM PDT Webinar

Go To Webinar Registrations Are Required
Click here to register for this webinar about demographic trends in California.

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