Monday, December 14, 2009

Reverse 1031 Exchanges Are NOT Monsters

I just finished reading an entire message board thread that started with a post by a member of the board that wanted to structure a Reverse 1031 Exchange but was concerned that everyone seemed to call Reverse Exchanges "Monsters."

Reverse 1031 Exchanges NOT Monsters
Now, I've been administering Reverse 1031 Exchanges for many years now, and I can tell you that they are more complicated and absolutely do require more proactive planning compared to regular forward 1031 Exchanges if you want to be successful with your Reverse 1031 Exchange. And, Investors that merely jump into a Reverse Exchange without any planning and good understanding of what is involved is asking for a difficult and challenging Reverse 1031 Exchange. I do not deny any of that.

Powerful 1031 Exchange Strategy
However, when Reverse 1031 Exchanges are used properly and are planned for well in advance, they can be a very powerful strategy in reducing the amount of risk involved with locating, identifying and acquiring suitable replacement property in your 1031 Exchange. I prefer to use the Reverse 1031 Exchange when ever possible so that I can acquire first and not have to worry about whether or not I will be able to acquire my replacement property.

My advice
Just do you homework, ask lots of questions, retain the services of an experienced Reverse 1031 Exchange services provider, make sure that you have a clear picture of what will happen in your Reverse 1031 Exchange, and absolutely do not pick your Reverse 1031 Exchange service provider merely based on fees, or you will be sorry. You definitely get what you pay for in the Reverse 1031 Exchange field. Experience and expertise and priceless for a smooth Reverse 1031 Exchange transaction.

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