Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This IS and WILL be the BEST Market to Trade Up in Your Lifetime!

I just read a blog post on Active Rain (a social media website for real estate professionals) that I could not agree with more. It is all about trading up and buying now. It's about getting into the game before the prices start going back up.

The blog post was discussing residential property to be used as your primary residence, but the same can be said for investment property, too. I've posted about this topic before. This is and will be the most important buying opportunity that most of us will ever see during our lifetime. The real estate market, and most other markets for that matter are on sale, and available for those who jump on it.

Now, I'm not professing that the market is going to jump and bounce back so fast that you will make a quick buck. I think this will be a slow crawl out of the hole kind of a recovery, but I've seen the same mistakes during the 70's, 80's and 90's. Investors wait until it feels right and then realize that they have missed the market and then they decide to wait until it comes back down. The markets have dropped so much, now is the time.

What if it drops another 5% or 10% you ask? It might, but it has already dropped 30% to 50% in many markets. You can acquire now and lock in the 30% to 50% discount and then hold tight until the market does come back.

Most people who sell investment property and then buy replacement property through a 1031 Exchange either want to diversify or consolidate their holdings, but the new trend in today's market is to reposition your real estate portfolio. Take advantage of these prices to get the properties that you want.

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